niedziela, 15 kwietnia 2012

How To Recognise An Alien

Interesting and bit funny explanation for finger puzzle I found in Invaders tv serie. There was simple way to recognize alien: "Some of them have an awkwardness about their hands - a mutated fourth finger"

MotC details 4: unreal finger position

Something very strange is about her small finger. Normally it can be straight or bend in two points, on this picture it bend in only one point. Am really tryed to duplicate myself this hand position and must say its impossible, try it! DaVinci was master of human anatomy so I dont believe he made such mistake, its deliberately point of reference. Possible that from this point begin another puzzle.

czwartek, 12 kwietnia 2012

MotC details 3b: small pyramid speceship departure

The same picture but rotated verticaly, now you can see also pyramid but seen from great distance (even curve of Earth is visible) anyway skin have color of desert so am really on this pyramid theory. In sky is black obiect and rocket thrust with clouds and everything. Probably spaceship departure was seen from distance because dangerous of this thrust, thats why pyramid here is small. Ok am sure somewhere in this theories I will fall into big misinterpretations but am just explore each possibility.

MotC details 3a: big pyramid speceship landing

Small details can be easy misinterpret, about angel am sure it can be there as hidden image, other things is just wide field for imaginations and theories. Well lets say that He could hide strange message there so any attempt to reveal it is worth to be done. Maybe in fact Leonardo deliberately paint this everything or maybe its funny coincidence. Middle piece of hands and heart can be roteted verticaly and both contain interesting symbols. What I see here is big pyramid and landing spaceship or bird, white pigeon flying down, which anyway is symbol of peace. Pigeon is probably not coincidence because it fit to this whole angel concept. And if angel is alien then pigeon flying down its speceship of alien landing on Earth, everything fit together.

MotC details2: Angel or alien face

As you may see face of angel is bit strange. Everything is there eyes, nose and mouth, its face but unusual.. well its angel anyway it dont need to look like human. Its very slim and his eyes are placed more on side than center and have almond shape. I was curious how it could look without hairs and extend natural shapes of hairstyle etc. and found in result that it may resemble grey alien. It is theory that aliens was recognized in past as angels or devils, so its pretty interesting because if Leonardo meet inspiring angel = he meet alien which gived him knowledge, or just boost his IQ which result in creativity. Well dont want to go too far with strange theories, its just angel so he dont need to look like human but faerie.

MotC details1: Angel wings

I found that mountains behid window are probably also not conicidence, their shape resemble wings and fit to this angel. So I extend them by smudge and realized that these whole windows (portals) are actualy wings of angel.

Madonna of the Carnation (mirrored)

This was my first attempt to find hidden image, and this was relative fast and easy, am really found something there and I dont think its coincidence (especially when look at details, about these later) Am not sure if anybody found and seen this before, its few mirrored images on web and they inspired me for own research. (Am actualy learn about this concept from Ancient Aliens The Da Vinci Conspiracy S04E08) First I look for point of reference where mirror begin, and found that it may be symetric shape of V in clothes, from there I begin photoshoping and results tells me that it was correct point. Ok so about results: Hidden image show angel. Why I see angel there: 1 beauty angelic hairstyle 2 blue detail of clothes as wings 3 central point have heart shape 4 hands are connected as in praying 5 angel seem to be pray on knee, because brightness and bend of clothes just look at this. Am also found many interesting details, about these later, but obviously its an angel.

Madonna of the Carnation (original)

Italian: Madonna del Garofano. The Madonna of the Carnation, a.k.a. Madonna with vase or Madonna with child, is an oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci created around 1478-1480 (Renaissance). The central (and centered) motif is young Virgin Mary with her naked Baby Jesus on her lap. Mary is seated and wears precious clothes and jewellery. With her left hand, she is holding a carnation (interpreted as a healing symbol). (description from wiki)

środa, 11 kwietnia 2012

Leonardo da Vinci mirror writings... and paintings?

Leonardo da Vinci wrote most of his personal notes in mirror, only using standard writing if he intended his texts to be read by others. Its theory that he used the same method in paintings and there may be hidden secret picture. I dont known, maybe like in everything he was very progressive and really want to paint in different modern style, unless these works could be destroyed (as herezy) so he hide them inside paints of renaissance style. Maybe its not just modern brave style of painting but also hidden secret message. Btw his name Leonardo it mean Lion-hearted he was brave man and I think from it come his progressive thinking, looking far into future and search brand new concepts (robots, tanks, helicopters, submarine ship, diving suit etc.) I will try to explore his paintings and find these secret mirror images.